Moving to my new apartment tomorrow! But first, recent escapades:
Sunday, Lazy Sunday done right. Went shopping on Walnut like a bougie little whore then Koko and I chilled ALL DAY. Estrogen party, boy gossip, dish, dish, quiche, feminine hygiene, SEX SEX, treating a girl RIGHT. Throw some yinzer beer on it, and It was almost too Roseanne to bear.
In the evening we went to Doc's as per our Sunday ritual and ate on the roof terrace! which is ALWAYS closed, until I went to London and spring happened and now it's open. Lovely.
"There was a bee."
Nuni and Caitlin had a BBQ in their backyard (which is soon to become my backyard too!) and we had a flashlight and Cutro tried to make barbecuing work. I met an eco-model. A superhot eco-model. We book-flirted, traded authors for music (in this case, one person--Miranda July). Ben (whom I KEEP running into) was there. It's funny how much I know about him from Lydia and my estrogen parties in London, and from video chat.
"Well if you like them red on the inside, then you'll love these." I made out with Gabe's husky dog, Cheyanne. She and I are tight, as we both love to play.
We're all hyped for WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. It's gonna be so0o0o indie/artsy/postmodern/Squid and the Whale/organic/ironic/neo art house meets post literaria....
And just you wait for the wave of merchandise. Maurice $endak, get yours!
I'm very excited to see a movie that I believe will be "precious", "beloved" and maybe I'll even "feel like an adult".
Monday we threw down hard at the house, didn't go to bed until 2 (WAY past my bedtime!). It was one of those uniquely yinzer moments--you and some friends are at the local pizza joint buying 40s, you turn around and another organelle of your social amoeba is right behind you, back from China, back from DC, everyone hugging and shouting like we haven't seen each other in years (really, days). And of course, I say, "come over!" because the door is always open, literally.
Today is the last day of our house, the best fucking apartment in this town! I am moving, on my own, tomorrow. So excited to decorate and to "make use of the space". Hang my pictures and posters from London and Andrea is going to paint me a snake! A coral and turquoise snake! On 3 square canvases. And she's lending me my favorite painting of hers, "At The Pond" (above).
+Just learned my account balance is $40 HIGHER than expected (&therefore,)
+Just bought this vintage gown ('70s) from Davenport & Co.
Tomorrow's the big day. Sleeping over at Mike's that night and he's gonna throw a party. I feel well cared for.