Monday, August 4, 2008

Pittsburgh By Night: No Shirt, No Shoes, No Toga

And that was how I met Tyler. Along with Mike, Andrew, Jim, &Meredith. Only the strong survived!

Around 3 the crime mob--some in toga, others convinced they could not cross the threshold--walked to Ritters, where we continued to embarrass ourselves. Sat in the back room I didn't know existed beyond the greasy fryhole known as Ritters Diner. This big table next to us blurted out, "I love Times New Roman!"

We walked back to Chris's and at 4 am techno was blasting from an unknown source. Then we all had coffee and went to bed.

The best nights end at 5 pm the next day, like this one.

Notes to self:

-Times New Romanian


-Mike's lifelong dream: "to see Enya live."

-You're not above sharing a twin mattress on a floor surrounded by wonderful people.

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