Additional wordly tidbits: Daniel J Flynn HATES Howard Zinn's leftist, Marxist perversion of American history, his omission of facts that do not mesh with his "class struggle" narrative, and his anti-American mudslinging in the name of greedy, capitalist monsters looking to profit from "the people".
I've only made it to chapter 4, and I see where Zinn's going. I'm okay with this, especially now that I've read the review. However, this sounds like a former bullied accountant who found his balls in the Grand Ole Party, perhaps himself a "Son of Liberty":
"America’s founding can be reduced to the pursuit of exploitation and profit. Well maybe for academics with lifetime subsidies and rock stars with drug-fried brains."
I challenge ye then, Ye Olde Republican Partye, to write a book that flips my leftist distrust for socioeconomic self-interest on its ear, because that worn-out, shriveling mess John McCain is not doing it for me.
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