Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hey Girl Hey

Turns out Pittsburgh has no style, next!

I'm shocked to be alive after May 1st when I finished the semester ten pounds lighter and on the Dean's List, perplexed and rightfully exhausted.

Summer so far is rife with debauchery with friends and people growing (and losing) hair in weird places. I've newly restored contact with my ex-boyfriend, who now has a mustache that looks cool but, thankfully, he still isn't.

I went to Atlanta for literally the hottest of moments and ended up spending more time with my parents than with anyone else. They still love me and the do-well-or-die smile's as warm as ever. Georgia for 5 days rocked ass and made me yearn for my yinzer oasis.

Finally, I'm thankful for my lesbian haircut and my Republican boss who, if he doesn't know then I won't tell him, looks like Bill Clinton.

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